Gaming Hobby

Unreal Tournament 3 (Demo)

It was with much reluctance that I downloaded the Unreal Tournament 3 demo after being urged by a friend. I have played UT in the past and own 2004. It was fun but just a little too knock-off-y of the Quake franchise, nothing special, yet another first person shooter. Although I have to give UT […]

Gaming Hobby

Team Fortress 2

So, I returned to TF2 after working my way through Orange Box (ok, well I had already finished HL2…) Anyway, I think I have made a 180 on this one. I really have to say it's über fun!! Which has increasingly been a problem in modern games. What do I mean? Well I'll tell ya! […]

Personal Rant

A p0x upon teh job search!

Well folks, as a friend recently pointed out, I need to post something all ready. So here's the skinny, as some of you may or may not know, I have most recently been employed by a  large auto-insurance company in North East Ohio. Well due to a relatively flat insurance market over the past few […]

Gaming Hobby

Crysis – Single Player Demo

There are only 2 words that apply to the Crysis Single-Player Demo: F$#k!ng Amazing! Where to be begin, the graphics I guess. Stunning, just stunning! The lighting, the foliage. I honestly felt like I was there. Those guys programmed one helluva beautiful rendering engine. You better believe you need one heck of a rig to […]

Gaming Hobby

Quake Revolution Mod releases their source

Evolution and the Quake Revolution crew have *officially* released their source code for their Quake3 mod. Hop on over to In two convenient ways, download the source .rar archive, grab it with svn or simply just browse the code-base via web browser. RAR archive Subversion Ah nastalgia, if you look hard enough you […]

Gaming Hobby

HalfLife2: Episode 2

Finally got around to playing Episode 2, and boy I'm glad I did! A return of one of my favorite mysterious characters of the game. I initially was a bit apprehensive of the episodic content delivery, but I think it will really allow Valve to stretch out the life-span of the HalfLife2 franchise, buying a […]

Gaming Hobby

Quake Revolution 1.38, Final Version :-(

It is with a heavy heart that I report what seems to be the final version of the Revolution Quake3 mod. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, hop on over to: Mad props to Evolution and Lucron! Writing and maintaining a new mod for such an OLD game really is […]