Category: Hobby
Markdown Test
Markdown Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. Its design allows it to be converted to many output formats, but the original tool by the same name only supports HTML. Markdown is often used to format readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums, and to create rich text using […]
Windows 8 Preview Task Manager Screen Shots
Well this is more of a bag of screen-shots than a blog post, but check this out. Now this is one nice taskman! The default opening tab is “Processes” and the CPU, Memory, Disk, and Network throb a darker yellow then there is notable activity Then the “Performance” tab which has sub views for CPU, […]
YSlow, an awesome tool that always makes you feel sad
I just ran YSlow on my site… It’s a great tool with real help on speeding up your site. But invariably, it always punches ya in the gut when your head is turned with a D or F. The downside of not writing your own publishing platform, various systems do things differently and some are […]
To launch a rocket
When I was a kid, and I want to say around 11 or 12, my friends and I used to all go out and get model rockets and spend the weekends building them and launching them. If you’ve never built one, you really are missing out. I can’t really do justice to the feeling of […]
Attack of the Free-For-Non-Commercial-Use Game Engines!
I just stumbled across this story on Slashdot announcing Epic’s release of a free version of it’s Unreal Engine for non-commercial uses [Epic Press Release:]. The story also points out that last week Unity also announced a free version of their game engine, also for non-commercial games [Unity Press Release:]. It makes my […]
Oooops, I blew up Drupal
Well, everything was going very well with my Drupal installation. I've got TinyMCE working as my WYSIWYG editor, and added a bunch of other modules to do this, that, and the other. And all was well, I had encoutered a module or two that didn't work correctly and it was simple enough to remove them […]
One day with Drupal
A couple of days ago I stumbled across the reporting on the announcement of the White House switching over to an OpenSource content management system, Drupal. I've hosted or setup a number of sites over the years using various CMS platforms, for example: PHPNuke, PHPNuke Evolution, Xoops, Joomla, WordPress. All of which are good depending […]
Creating custom Team Fortress 2 Sprays for a PC
This little tutorial will cover making custom TF2 sprays. How to make a static spray, a transparent spray, and animated sprays. First, to give credit where credit is due. I found the information on making sprays from a few blogs/sites. Unfortunately, there was no comprehensive information for dealing with transparency and animation so this article […]
Due to a DNS registrar issues, is now available at and will be returning once the registrar issues have been resolved. The team apologizes for the inconvenience and offers a reminder, “No good deed goes unpunished” 🙂 Regards!