
Typemock, my new best friend!

In particular, Typemock Isolator.   DISCLAIMER: I am in no way affiliated or receiving any compensation from the makers of Typemock. Simply a developer in the trenches loving this tool in his tool box. From thier website:   “Isolate any .NET dependencies to make unit testing easy” What does Isolator do?Typemock Isolator gives .NET […]


Goodbye TDD, Hello TDD …

Well a third TDD post and with mixed emotions I am here. On the one side, I have found BDD which (in my opinion) is far better then TDD. What the h#ll is BDD you ask? Behavioral Driven Design. So what does that mean? It is development that is driven by the required behavior of […]


A few weeks into a TDD style project

So, as you may have read in my previous rant regarding Test Driven Development, I am one of two developers participating in a test of TDD. The project is relatively small in scope and is mostly in a stand-alone “engine” so really, I think it's a pretty ideal test subject. If you were paying attention, your […]


Test Driven Development

Well folks, I'm here today to gripe about Test Driven Development (TDD if you can't live without an acronym). For those unfamiliar with it, the concept is (and feel free to correct me folks), one starts coding the unit tests firsts and implements the various classes/structures one needs to make the unit tests function. By […]