I just ran YSlow on my site… It’s a great tool with real help on speeding up your site. But invariably, it always punches ya in the gut when your head is turned with a D or F.
The downside of not writing your own publishing platform, various systems do things differently and some are more flexible than others.
I’m using WordPress here now and it was pretty easy to switch on the Google analytics, but it did essentially require me modifying the Theme’s code, and I was very surprised there wasn’t a built in way to add custom scripts to headers / footers.
At any rate, I will affect what I can but here’s my site’s report card as of now, it ranked a C with a 97 score, I inadvertently cut that off the screenshot. It breaks down below. Overall, could be worse.
I will follow up with some tweaks over the next few weeks as I experiment with the SEO and Caching modules WordPress supports.